The Galter Health Sciences Library provides an extensive and complete collection of resources, both in print and electronic, for the students of Northwestern's Feinberg School of Medicine. The Library is constantly bringing in new materials and updating more and more of their collection to be available online. Because of the important and current information they contain, the most helpful and commo

nly used materials are printed journals. Many of these journals have already been replaced by online journal subscriptions, available on the library's website. The bound journals that the library currently has are largely organized by date. Journals from 1985 to the present are stored on the mezzanine level of the library, and earlier journals are stored in compact shelves on the lower level. The collection also includes several references available in the library's first floor reference room, and books strategically placed throughout the library.
I'm disappointed that this is the library I had to be sick for, it sounded pretty interesting. Health Science periodicals are the most interesting, you can learn so much that you probably didn't (or didn't want to) know from them!
I thoroughly enjoyed this library! some of the things were kind of gross, but it definitely made me think of possibly going into some sort of medical librarianship at some point in my life because of how "cool" (for lack of a better term) it was made to be. I was interested from beginning to end. At first I wasnt too happy to be going to a second library, but in the end i was extremely pleased with the result.
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